Simply Just Mine

To promote sharing and embracing emotions that we feel as we face our lives affected by facial disorders

One & Only

The One and Only Kind
in the World

We all take different paths
through our lives.

I think I was given
a slightly unique track.
I tried to follow the track,
ran against it, around it, and towards it.

This is a collection of shadows, scuff marks, and foot steps that I created during the first 15 years of my journey.

Goals and Dreams

Goals & Dreams

I just wanted to be best at everything.
I wanted to be the best daughter,
the best big sister, the best person.

I wanted to be remembered by my name
not by the description of my looks.

I wanted to run as fast as I can.
I never wanted to look back or quit. I just wanted to run.

This a collection of
my memories, loves, and fights
during the second 15 years of my journey.

Past, Present & Then

Past, Present and Then...

I often thought if my life could have been different if I didn’t have the face that I have.

Would I have made different choices
if I didn’t this face?

Would I have been happier
if I didn’t have my face?

The answers to these questions
continuously change.
I am happy at times,
angry at times, and confused at times.

At the end of the day,
this is my story, my life and my face.

Simply Just Mine.

It continues here, now.