There’s so many things in between when I was 2 and 10 but I think I am going to go out the order here for a bit. Up to this part of my life, I thought I was destined to be alone… an only child, and then my little brother came along. Being 10 year old…. I still remember being told that I would have to be like a second parent to my brother because he’s so little. I didn’t know what is being parent-still don’t know of course…. I think I thought I am going to show him everything I know that is important (?) in life. Apparently… Using phone is very important thing!!!!! I just knew that he’d have to know this if not potty training or eating for that matter! But the day like today, I am so glad that I taught him how to use the phone because he called to asked what he should do when he seems to be having allergy reaction to his shot that he just got from the Dr’s office about 20 minutes before he called me. My point is there’s no such thing as stupid lesson in life. Somehow.. it has its own use at some point…. Like this one! I am glad he’s okay now because I wouldn’t know what to do without him. Maybe this is how my parents felt like every time I went in for surgery. Babysitting


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