As I am smoking two cigarettes in a row thinking about which memories to present here I came to difficult realization that it might be the time to stop going around. It’s so lovely to remember the good time through a cute photo. Despite how much I would like people to share…I really have to admit that this is hardest process for me. I, too, only want to remember happy and good memories.. I also want to believe that I was okay. Moreover, I also want to tell a mother of 1 year old baby that, yes, it will be okay. However, the reality is that some memories are so vivid that I can’t forget. So bad that no one can’t say it’s okay.

Those memories that make you not trust people…. both those who says they like you and don’t like…

Those memories that actually make you believe in only the people who says the harsh thing because at least they are honest…

The memories that make you say, “Don’t you dare you tell me it’s okay!”

Let me start with the names. Maybe that might be a easier start.

Two Face, Terminator 1,2,3…..

I don’t think those nickname told me that I could be a princess on stage… ever… or at least.. it’s going to happen against all odds!





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