
Simply Just Mine is turning one and I am turning 31!!!

I would like to thank people you have alway been there for me through my life. I am also thankful for new people who walked into my life recently through Simply Just Mine.

Life isn’t always filled with sparkles and glam~

As you’ve all read on Simply Just Mine, my life wasn’t so easy or normal. However, I am thankful that I am unique, not weird or odd, but truly one of kind~

We never get to have choices of how we are born or what we get in our life. The most important and beautiful thing about life is that we do have choices on what we do with what we are given.

I chose to embrace what I am given. Rather it is my face or some odd named disorders… it’s all part of me. I continue to makes new choices and create new pages to my life book. Some chapters of the book seem like a epic battle story, and some chapters seem like a romantic comedy.

At times I choose a slap stick~ I bump into things and trip over things but I laugh about it.

I am grateful that I am born in Spring. New beginning each day along with new flowers.

I hope everyone could find a little flower blossoming inside his or herself. Despite the cold winters, Spring always come back just like us. We get back up and start a new day again.

Thank you for supporting Simply Just Mine for a year~

I have learn much more through what you have shared with me. Your children’s stories have made me smile and cry more through the year. Please continue to share and embrace your life with me.

With Much Love,

Simply Sarah from Simply Just Mine <3


Categories: One & Only


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