
Last few years, my holidays were filled with joy and love even in 2014 when my mother was battling with her cancer, I was surrounded by people with great support and love. These wonderful years, almost had me forget that the holidays were the worst time for majority of my life.

Holidays were the time when I felt most distant from other people. Everyone seem to have his or her love ones, and I felt like an outsider just walking by feeling colder than usually. Played a Scrooge and a Grumpy Cat for some of those years. Tried to act like I LOVE being alone for some of those years. Then some years, I dreaded by looking back at my past and wondering why I couldn’t achieve what I set out to or didn’t get what I wanted in life.

Even though it may not have been a positive way, I guess it was my own pursue of happiness.

Externally, many things have changed in good way and not so good way. However, the internal struggle has been the same for me.

Once again this year, holidays, the grumpy gremlins in my head have gathered to protest against my pursue of happiness. It’s like a holiday tradition. Whether I like or not they just gathered.  I don’t fight them because I rather want to spend my time looking at some positive part of life. I let them be and I focus on the part of life that makes me happy and smile.

While my struggle is my own only… people I cherish have helped making this journey easier with their great qualities.

Here I start the list of those people: (Please note, the order of the names is random)

Hee Jin Kim (My mother, aka our Highness) – Unconditional Love and Support and the role model for a strong woman

Sung Ho Chung (My father) – Unconditional Love and understanding of the world yet standing up for what is right in the world.

Jay Chung (My brother & future lawyer) – Unconditional Love, taking his own pace to his success and always humble.

Ken Carpenter (My Boyfriend) – Unconditional love and the craziness.

Ned Johnson (My BFF & Partner in Crime)- Passionate love for others and the justice in the world.

Lisa Matchett (My BFF) – Unconditional love and consistent and constant support that is never wavering.

Ricardo Jean (Friend and colleague) – Wisdom in life, self-awareness and work ethics I admire so dearly.

Alexis Blanden (Friend and colleague)- Genuine self-confidence with love for herself and others with strong faith that I believe in way more than the prayer of anyone else.


Thank you everyone for supporting me as I keep walking through this journey to be Simply Me. <3



Simply Sarah




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