

It has very such a long time that I wrote and updated anything with Simply Just Mine.

It has been another journey of my life Simply Just full of struggles, especially past 1 year. On the outside, I had all the things that people can be so jealous of and reminding me that I have traveled so far to be where I am now. However, the reality was…. VERY HARSH.

First, my mother’s health declined with a very sudden and fast speed starting 2018 August just when we thought she is getting closer to complete recovery from her cancer survival journey, she started to take steps in doing things on her own without my assistances.

I finally gained the career I have been working so hard since 2014 with my Masters degree and received promotion to be full-time salaried Behavior Analyst. It came with responsibilities and stress while I work to investigate what is attacking my mother’s health.

Second, with all these… my mental health that was already very vulnerable ceased by 2018 November with the “Help” of medication’s side effect, my neurological functions declined when I needed them the most. As I struggled to hide my shortcomings, my depressions and self-loathes have attacked me with their fury. I lost 30 pounds, and I kept saying “I wanted to go..”

I resume the therapy sessions for myself to have at least 45 minutes for myself as I had zero second for myself in a day.

My mother is doing better but suffering permanent damages during the infections occurred last year. She will still required my minimum assistance. My work, I finally took FMLA medical leave on 5/30/2019 after my stenosis on my lumbar spine took turn for the worse without response to any usual remedies.

Last 12 weeks were truly about Me for the first time in my life. Simply just mine. Facing my demons and fears that manifested into physical and mental pain and actually attacking my soul… I threw up all that out to work on it.

I took care of some things that worried me realistically- Finance..

Now.. while I am at slightly better place… I have a long way to go as I return to my work on 8/26.

But I am Still Standing to live my life that is Simply Just Mine.

Stay tune for next posts! Thank you for your continuing support for Simply Just Mine.


Simply Sarah


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