When I was little I asked my parents for impossible but something that probably many of your little ones once asked before…. I asked for OLDER sibling!! Well, my mother was all about adoption but my father didn’t think he actually could handle that. It WAS impossible for our family. Then I met Ned. If I think about it, he is and was always my older brother as our parents knew each other before I was born.  He is one of the friends that became the reasons to stay for me.

Here is the story of Ned and I from Executive Chef/Sous Chef to Weekly Dinner Date to Threeevengers!!!

Ned and I

Before we met…

My father was a phD candidate at University of Delaware in early 80’s. Ned’s mother Dr. Johnson was one of the professors that taught my father.

My father and my family always kept in touch with his colleagues and advisors/professors from U of D all these years. However, Ned and I have not met each other during these reunions until 2006/2007 when I moved from New Jersey, during my third year of college after the stormy relationship-long story- It was my father visiting professor year and he was back at U of D. Dr. Johnson was still one of professors and she invited us for dinner..

How we met: Friendship at first sight

Since that dinner we became instant best friends. We went for dinner date later and rest is the history. Yeah.. He and I have more of love stories and everyone is so confused and we don’t even correct people anymore! I just needed to correct my parents as they love Ned as my life partner!!! My mom still hopes that Ned will become straight one day..  (Ma… NO, that’s like me asking to be NOT ME!)



Friendship beyond the border and times ….

Since the first family dinner we had, Ned and I had hung out in various ways. This also included over Skype because Ned moved to Australia, twice. Before that he went to London and Thailand. He has never forgotten during all these times, always brought me something back from each places. Burberry Coat from London, Graphic t-shirt designed by an artist from Thailand and a stone to hold in my hand for worries and anxiety from Australia.

I moved around U.S. to NYC and back to Delaware while Ned was moving around across the world.  Then in 2014 When I returned to Delaware from NYC, (6 months after I returned from NYC) Ned also came back from Australia for good.


Time of the need…

Ned’s return in 2014 was perfect time for me. Previous to 2014 we realized we only had one picture of each other. so we promised that we will always capture all our adventures and meet ups. SO we did. Also, 2014 September, my mother was diagnosed with rare cancer with prognosis being very unclear. I took over everything of my household and because my only way to stay strong for my family was to focus on things I can do, I immediately contacted my former divorce lawyer since divorce lawyers are usually family lawyers and they can handle wills and power of attorney. I wanted to make sure that my mother was not bother with things while she is getting surgery and treatments. Our lawyer advised that I would need a witness. Well, YUP Ned became the witness.

He checked in every week and took me out on weekly dinner while I took care of my mother, he’d bring flowers for my mother from his house garden.

In 2015, right when my mother was getting better, I started to get my belated medical check ups. My neurosurgeon informed me that I need to get cervical spine surgery right away… This will require me to not be able to lift things.. It was in May 2015. I still had a month before my father can return to U.S. to help me with care for my mother and the house. so Ned stepped up. He would stop at my house after work, on the way from work to his house, and take me to grocery. He’d do pick up and all and I would just walk around with him.

I probably can write dissertation on how much Ned helped me various ways but these are some of the highlights.

Threevengers (Three-Revengers)



In September of 2014, I started dating Ken. Ned had someone from New Zealand. For the first time, we both had someone. We certainly wanted some double date. First time that Ken got to meet Ned, we were just gonna visit his home, then we ended up all going to Hershey Park. Yes, with Ned, the PLAN gets  derailed in more fun ways, ALWAYS.

We were waiting for this one ride Ken started this crazy shouting and I started to here, two voice of identical voices… OMG.. yes.. this is when both Ken and Ned became best friends for life. We go to movies together and back road adventures in Pennsylvania with tour guide narrated by Ned.. We were watching Thor: Radnorak one they and we came up with the idea that we are Threevengers. Perfect!


He is the one of the Reasons to Stay…

Ned has seen me grow. Ned and I share same line of thoughts. I feel safe to say and think whatever I like. I can be who I am truly and don’t feel sorry for it when I am with Ned. I also run away from the world that I can’t stand. He loves and always finds good in me when I am so good at finding negative things about me. That’s why this Executive Chef and Sous Chef relationship is important depiction of one of our relationships. I am an Executive Chef when Ned is a Sous Chef  to support me. He raised me Up. While he would say positive things about he is fully aware of what I am going through because he goes through them, too. “This can’t be life.” and I say.. “you know what’s worse??? this IS LIFE” He’d say.. Thank goodness, lordy we have each other! He is the reasons to stay on this earth for me for anoth

er adventures and little things in life.

Finally… He is my Best Friend. They say, a good friend help you bury a body but Best Friend shows up at your door with his own shovel without asking! YUP Ned got my back and with that I certainly have the reasons to stay.


I love you, Ned.


Simply Sarah



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