My brother and I are 10 years apart. With all the complications and my surgery my parents were hesitant to have another child. They were’t sure if there was any genetic reason why I was born the way I was born.
On July 8th, 1993, my brother was born. I remember thinking, that’s a normal healthy baby. My brother grew up very healthy without any medical conditions. I guess about a month or two after my brother was born, I went to my grand parents’ house to stay over for few days during my summer break. When I came back I realized that Jay, my brother’s face was covered with rashes. I think I was way more in panic than my parents. I remember asking my parents with deep concern,
“Does he have I have on my face??”
My parents explained to me that it’s bit of baby rashes that most of babies go through around his age.
I was relieved to know he didn’t have what I had. It wasn’t the looks that I was worried about. My parents have always told me that I am a little mom to my brother. I couldn’t bear to think what he may have to go through at school. All the kids making fun of you… calling you names… I think I didn’t want him go through what I went through. I also didn’t want him being embarrassed by him.
One day he’s going ask what I happened to my face. One day his friends will ask him. I didn’t know what that might do to him. I hated that my life makes my brother’s life different as well.
I remember when he was little and still now, he says that I am prettiest person.
Those days that I have bad dates… break ups… when I wonder if not having this face meant pretty… He would say something so nice about my looks. No one in my family specifically told him how he supposed to behave towards me. To him, I was simply his sister whom he looks up to no matter what. No if’s and but’s. He supports me and takes my side because I am his sister.